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Kool Beach Club wedding photographer | Eva+Erik

There is one key information for weddings photographers that every couple should send to us, It may be so important than the wedding itself, the wedding timeline or calendar or key events table line, the way you want to call it, this information works to organised the photographer to set up the family and Bridal and bride and groom photography session, also for our arrival and leaving time, also for organize the launch time, the appropriate equipment to bring and to set up in time,  to know and capture the best possible way some events that may be surprising for others even for the couple itself,  the appropriate amount of staff, etc so please do not think just because we are a professional wedding photographers we are going to guess and go against the curtest, we are just like an architect planning timing and activities to build, is there any building without a timeline?

A quick text about the wedding and my couple, they are a great guys, she’s is of Mexican origins and he has American background, this mix an explosive couple of joy and fun, the wedding was fantastic, It was held on Kool Beach Club  in a second floor building, reception on the club beside the pool and Bar pool and the getting ready stage was covered in El Taj Hotel all in Playa del Carmen

If you want to see more Kool Beach weddings follow this link

Kool Beach Club wedding photographer | Eva+Erik

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