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Nicole and Thomas – Blue Venado Wedding

Brief weddings has that touch of intimacy, Blue Venado is the place for this, It seems to be the tendency for those that want to see just loved family and friends.

This was a brief cozy 4 hours wedding that had more laughs and happy faces, love so much happy people in just 4 hours

Nicki got ready in the bridal suite of Blue Venado, right in the same place that Ceremony held, she could see her venue spot to get ready while people set it up, so exciting I think!

When Thomas arrived we prepared the classical fist look with a bit modified, bride and groom actually won’t see each other, instead they will stay back to back and touch holding hands, in my opinion this is fabulous!

Why I said this, because when they see each other in the ceremony they still have amazing reactions which foes not happen when they actually see each other before ceremony

We had a super fun shot since Nicki where so happy and enjoying every single moment, we did some portraits in Blue Venado property and then head to the Cenote for an exotic jungle photos

And finally we could get into the fresh water of the cenote for an underwater photos, I won’t say more, love everything!

Hey! here is the full set of photos! watch all them

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