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About Ivan Luckie Photography wedding photographer

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I have to confess that coffee mornings rule my life, walking by the beach is  a passion for me


Chase moments and turn them into photography memories motivates me, I am constantly looking to improve my photography craft so I can provide the best photo memories

Ivan Luckie Photography wedding photographer

I am always having a blast with all the people so we all enjoy every single second we spend together; in the end, photography is about how people feel about what they are doing.

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I decided to be a photographer because pictures are the only memories physically left after any life situation to share among our beloved ones, memories that are proud for the ones coming and the legacy for the ones that went before us.

Ivan Luckie - Cenotes Tulum - LuckiePhotography-1

I may not have to tell you that I am in love with photography anyway here is my photography travel site to prove my intention is not merely business

Luckie Photography man at work

my wife compliments my life and each other provide our clients all kind of amazing photography to share; from weddings, underwater, family to portraits; we struggle hard to acquire precious memories.

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